District 5
2282 East 32nd Ave, Columbus NE 68601
402-563-4910/ Fax 402-564-1620
SERVICE AREA: Boone, Butler, Colfax, Hamilton, Merrick, Nance, Platte, Polk, Saunders, Seward, and York Counties.

District 6
320 N Main St, Fremont NE 68025
402-727-2790/ Fax 402-727-2793
SERVICE AREA: Burt, Cedar, Dakota, Dixon, Dodge, Thurston, and Washington

District 7
602 Iron Horse Drive, Norfolk NE 68701
402-371-8568/ Fax 402-371-8614
SERVICE AREA: Antelope, Cuming, Madison, Knox, Pierce, Stanton and Wayne

District 8
128 N 6th ST #4, O’Neill NE 68763
402-336-2594/ Fax 402-335-2594
SERVICE AREA: Blaine, Boyd, Brown, Cherry, Custer, Garfield, Greeley, Holt, Howard, Loup, Keya Paha, Rock, Sherman, Valley, and Wheeler.
SERVICE AREA: Cedar, Dixon, Thurston, and Wayne County